How is Le Doré born?
In 2020, in a peculiar outdoor meeting Eduar Bueso and Kevin Rodriguez in one of the coffee producing lots of the family heritage, shared unfulfilled desires related to taking another step in the coffee value chain as representatives of the new generation of coffee growers, with the aim of following the business and family heritage to one more step. The idea of a representative brand of quality coffee that links two family nuclei arose, which is why the project of selling roasted coffee for the local and international market began. Comayagua is a city frequented by tourists due to its colonial roots. The market niche was identified which resulted in shipments of coffee to North America with a very good acceptance of the product, mainly the honey and washed processes for that culture of customers. With the domicile of one of the partners in Seattle there is the opportunity to take the product to an export as such, which had never been done directly despite the fact that the family has been producing coffee in a traditional and artisanal way for more than 100 years until recent years. The farms associated with the brand enjoy a very covetable height for strictly hard coffees and offer very exotic and unique attributes in the cup thanks to the micro variables which are not present in other farms. Le Doré arises spontaneously in a village belonging to the district of Comayagua, being one of the main coffee producing districs in Honduras. Its special mountains highlight gourmet cafes and the city has a rich historical value as an old capital in colonial times;the Bueso and Rodriguez family related to the owners of the brand have a close relationship with coffee historically and as the main socioeconomic means there is a special attachment to the item that has allowed us to provide better opportunities, this leads to our desire to give an ideal balance between the extraction and contribution of resources in each of the productive lots of coffee.